How to remove the “store powered by Prestashop” message

Depending on the version of PrestaShop you have installed, it may be difficult to find the place or places to make this modification. This message which appears following the installation of Prestashop can be annoying, especially when you want to present your products when your website has just been installed.

The personalization or deactivation of these messages takes place at two level in order to properly customize your store with your slogan or leit motiv or even motorcycle.

1st level of message deactivation powered by prestashop

  1. Go to administration: in the menu group Configure => Store Settings => Traffic and SEO
  2. Then click on modify on the index row and modify the value of Meta description

2nd level of message deactivation powered by prestashop

  1. In the default template of your website, follow the path: /themes/classic/templates/_partials/footer.tpl
  2. At the very bottom in the footer.tpl file, modify the div containing:

{block name='copyright_link'}

{ls='%copyright% %year% – Ecommerce software by %prestashop%' sprintf=['%prestashop%' => 'PrestaShop™', '%year%' => 'Y'|date, '%copyright% ' => '©'] d='Shop.Theme.Global'}



for example in:

{block name='copyright_link'}
         {ls='%copyright% %year% – Ecommerce software by %AGILE SARL%' sprintf=['%AGILE SARL%' => 'AGILE SARL™', '%year%' => 'Y'|date, ' %copyright%' => '©'] d='AGILE SARL'}


3. Go to the menu group Configure => Advanced Settings => Performance => Clear Cache.

4. You can also clear your browser's cache before testing to be sure to completely reload the content of the new page generated by Prestashop.

5. Then don't forget to send the modified file back online. This will have the effect of modifying the title of the footer and the link to which it refers in order to highlight your website or the company that integrates the Prestashop solution.


That's it, that's all for this tutorial course. Do not hesitate to leave comments or share any other methods you have used, or the difficulties you faced with your version of Prestashop, with the community who really needs it.

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I am an Agile Coach consultant and Professional Scrum Trainer. I have around fifteen years of experience in agility and product development under my belt. I have followed numerous training courses and experienced several perspectives of agility and management, among which I would cite PMP, Kanban, Scrum, XP, Lean UX and Agility at scale, as attested by the certifications that I have. I succeeded. My previous jobs allowed me to develop broad experience in several sectors including construction, logistics, the public sector, e-commerce, banking and many others.

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Comments (17)

  • Tony Reply

    Great article, clear and simple.
    Thank you

    January 22 2019 23 to 11 h min
  • Emmett Reply


    How do we do step 2 when our site and files are with OVH?


    January 27 2019 12 to 34 h min
    • Romuald, PSM III PSPO II S@S
      Romuald Franck - MSc, Scrum Master Reply

      Hello Emmett,
      if you have the ftp settings for your ovh hosting, you can connect and browse your site folder looking for the /themes/classic/templates/_partials/footer.tpl folder

      However, hosts also offer a procedure for accessing your files from the ovh manager.

      Let me know if you succeeded.

      January 28 2019 10 to 53 h min
  • Verhagen Reply

    Hello, I am new to all this. Step 2 I didn't understand where and what to do?

    30 September 2019 14 to 56 h min
    • Romuald, PSM III PSPO II S@S
      Romuald Franck - MSc, Scrum Master Reply


      Let me know if you managed to resolve your issues. Sorry for the delay, I was on vacation and I'm just coming back.

      Who is your host? What version of PrestaShop are you using?

      However, for step 2, you must access your hosting's control panel, and via the file explorer it offers you, browse your online files up to the footer.tpl file.

      This file is generally located (it depends on the versions) in the template folder of your active theme. By default, it should be located here: [base path of your website]/themes/classic/templates/_partials/footer.tpl

      October 15 2019 to 10 22 h min
  • Céline Reply

    I'm new to IT, I have an online store hosted by OVH and step two is Chinese... How do I do it?

    October 11 2019 to 10 20 h min
    • Romuald, PSM III PSPO II S@S
      Romuald Franck - MSc, Scrum Master Reply

      You must access the control panel of your hosting at OVH, in your case, and via the file explorer it offers you, browse your online files up to the footer.tpl file.

      This file is generally located (it depends on the versions) in the template folder of your active theme. By default, it should be located here: [base path of your website]/themes/classic/templates/_partials/footer.tpl

      Let me know if you managed to resolve your issues. Sorry for the delay, I just came back from vacation and I was pretty busy.

      October 15 2019 to 10 19 h min
  • Julie from Free SEO Analysis Reply

    Thank you for this article, don’t hesitate to come and take a look at: Free SEO Analysis in order to do a FREE SEO analysis of your site in less than 5 minutes and without registration 😉

    November 21 2019 to 9 16 h min
  • Sanchez Reply


    To modify it in the email you can find it 🙂

    Thanks a lot 😉

    January 10 2020 16 to 43 h min
    • Romuald, PSM III PSPO II S@S
      Romuald Franck - MSc, Scrum Master Reply

      Hello Sanchez, first of all I apologize for the delay in response, I had to take a professional trip and here I am, I am currently in France :).

      Concerning your difficulty, have you already been able to resolve it?

      March 1 2020 to 23 18 h min
  • Rabenja Reply

    I always have a Google search result with this inscription “Shop powered by PrestaShop”. Even though I did step number 1 over and over again, nothing seems to change. I always get this result. I modified the title of the page (this manipulation works) but changing the meta description does not work. Do you have any idea where the problem could be coming from? That would be really useful to me.
    Kind regards.

    March 12 2020 to 10 05 h min
    • Romuald, PSM III PSPO II S@S
      Romuald Franck - MSc, Scrum Master Reply

      Hello, the two steps described in this article worked in my case. And it seems to me that it may have helped other people.
      As of today, do you still have the Store powered by Prestashop message? If yes, did you follow all the steps correctly?

      March 14 2020 to 14 55 h min
  • Thierry Leprince Reply


    It is also necessary to delete the lines below:

    {if $tos_cms != false}
    {$tos_cms nofilter}
    {ls='%copyright% %year% – Ecommerce software by %prestashop%' sprintf=['%prestashop%' => 'PrestaShop™', '%year%' => 'Y'|date, '%copyright% ' => '©'] d='Shop.Theme.Global'}

    in /themes/classic/templates/checkout/_partials/footer.tpl

    August 9 2022 to 11 09 h min
  • Laurent Reply

    Thanks for the information.
    being hosted directly by Prestashop, I do not have access to the files.
    I hope that the first graphic solution will be available and functional.
    I really don't feel that the Prestashop hosted e-commerce solution is an excellent solution, it costs €35 per month and I have trouble really seeing the point in it, apart from the updates. almost” automatic.

    March 12 2024 to 8 17 h min

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