Monthly archives - April 2018

Agile Manifesto: foundation of agile methods

The agile manifesto: awareness of the merits of agile methods/frameworks. Above all, it is important to understand that the agile manifesto was co-written and, above all, co-signed by experts who, through their experiences, came to produce the agile manifesto as a shared...


Certification: the guarantee of international recognition

Certification: even passes internationally. The certifications are international in scope and in many cases, when you have a good level of certification or a set of certifications that give meaning to your professional project and/or good professional experience, the certifications are sufficient for direct recruitment. It is...


Why it is necessary to become Agile/Scrum certified before emigrating – part 2

we recommend our training center for the agile specialization of these trainers, for their versatility, for their experience particularly in IT and project management and above all because they are Agile Driven, meaning driven by agility which is far beyond passion.


Why it is necessary to become Agile/Scrum certified before emigrating – part 1

The certifications are international in scope. For an annual salary of around $120, Agile certifications are a must-have for anyone planning to travel abroad. This is also valid for nationals or people wishing to obtain a better job at the national level.


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