Monthly archives - October 2019

Scrum of Scrums events: Scrum of Scrums (SoS) Events

Scaled Daily Scrum Since SoS aims to offer real-time responses to obstacles that are raised by the participating teams, at least one representative (generally the Scrum Master or any other person capable of understanding or who understands the obstacle being faced). facing the teams) of each of the...


Analyze and understand roles in Scaled Scrum (Scrum of Scrums) / Scaled Structure

Let's start with some basics What is Scrum: A framework in which people can solve complex problems that require adaptation, while creatively producing and delivering viable products of the highest possible value. The Scrum Guide is the minimal set of features that enable...


Scrum at Scale Series: translation, reading and understanding in French.

Foreword. Scrum at Scale Series, by KENMEUGNE TCHUINKAM Romuald Franck: an interpretation of the Scrum at scale guide. Everything in this document reflects my personal point of view (my understanding) based on my agile mindset, my experience and probably a strong dose of entrepreneurship which I...


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