My Books Reading List
Simply, this is just a list of books I've read or I envision to read. I learn from everything and everywhere; and I strongly encourage you to do the same, be open to yourself. For me, it includes: people, events, thoughts, blogs, articles, trainings, videos… Though I love reading good books. and this is my reading list.
Book, author, date when I read it.
The strength we lack, Eva Joly, 2017
Getting Africa out of monetary servitude: who benefits from the CFA franc, (
I seek to understand…: the hidden codes of nature, Joël de Rosnay, 2018
the alchemist, Paulo Coelho, 2018
Success through constructive thinking, Napoleon Hill & W. Clement Stone, 2018
Sister Faustine's little journal, 2018 -
The strength of silence, against the dictatorship of noise, Cardinal Robert Sarah, Nicolas Diat, 2019-2020
The Scrum fieldbook, a master class on accelerating performance, getting results, and defining the future, JJ Sutherland, 2020
Scrum the art of doing twice the work in half the time, Dr Jeff Sutherland && JJ Sutherland, 2020
Saint Romuald the hermit-prophet, Brother Louis Albert LASSUS OP, 2020
The professional product owner, leveraging Scrum as a competitive advantage, Don McGreal & Ralph Jocham, 2020
Scrum insights for practitioners, Hiren Doshi, 2020
Scrum a smart travel companion, A pocket guide, Gunter Verheyen, 2020 – 2021
Mastering professional Scrum, Stephanie Ockerman & Simon Reindl, 2020 – 2021
The Nexus framework for scaling Scrum, Kurt Bittner, Patricia Kong, Dave West, 2020 – 2021

KENMEUGNE Romuald - Officially Accredited Agile Coach and Trainer

Latest articles byKENMEUGNE Romuald - Agile Coach and Officially Accredited Trainer (view all)
- Take your certification on the website - December 16, 2024
- Agile Method and Management by Evidence - July 5, 2024
- Implement UX and Scrum together and pass your PSU certification - July 26, 2023
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