Agile Processes and Methods

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How to get your Professional Scrum Master certification?

A Scrum Master certification is a way for an individual to validate their knowledge of the Scrum framework. It is also a means widely used by companies to check the minimum level of knowledge of a candidate for recruitment and to facilitate their integration into teams evolving...


My Books Reading List

Simply, this is just a list of books I've read or I envision to read. I learn from everything and everywhere; and I strongly encourage you to do the same, be open to yourself. For me, it includes: people, events, thoughts, blogs, articles, trainings, videos... Though I love reading...

Diagram showing an EAT coordinating 5 groups of 25 teams

Scrum at scale: Leadership Teams

Introduction: AGILETHINKING.PRO editor's note In Scrum at scale, as proposed by with Dr. Sutherland, co-inventor of the Scrum framework, there are Leadership Teams whose role is to guarantee the growth of agility across the entire organization. It is well known that if decision-makers do not...


Scrum of Scrums events: Scrum of Scrums (SoS) Events

Scaled Daily Scrum Since SoS aims to offer real-time responses to obstacles that are raised by the participating teams, at least one representative (generally the Scrum Master or any other person capable of understanding or who understands the obstacle being faced). facing the teams) of each of the...


Analyze and understand roles in Scaled Scrum (Scrum of Scrums) / Scaled Structure

Let's start with some basics What is Scrum: A framework in which people can solve complex problems that require adaptation, while creatively producing and delivering viable products of the highest possible value. The Scrum Guide is the minimal set of features that enable...


Scrum at Scale Series: translation, reading and understanding in French.

Foreword. Scrum at Scale Series, by KENMEUGNE TCHUINKAM Romuald Franck: an interpretation of the Scrum at scale guide. Everything in this document reflects my personal point of view (my understanding) based on my agile mindset, my experience and probably a strong dose of entrepreneurship which I...

AGILE Sarl agile scrum practice

Agile, what I learned today series!

What I learned from my team this morning: - #Exploration #of #ideas is definitely extremely beneficial. We started from a logo idea to arrive at a magnificent design. This is thanks to the exploration advocated by agile methods. - #whiteboard #exploration #ideas #creativity #learning 8-) Using a whyte board is an excellent creativity tool and then, you discover...


Agile Manifesto: foundation of agile methods

The agile manifesto: awareness of the merits of agile methods/frameworks. Above all, it is important to understand that the agile manifesto was co-written and, above all, co-signed by experts who, through their experiences, came to produce the agile manifesto as a shared...


Certification: the guarantee of international recognition

Certification: even passes internationally. The certifications are international in scope and in many cases, when you have a good level of certification or a set of certifications that give meaning to your professional project and/or good professional experience, the certifications are sufficient for direct recruitment. It is...


Why it is necessary to become Agile/Scrum certified before emigrating – part 2

we recommend our training center for the agile specialization of these trainers, for their versatility, for their experience particularly in IT and project management and above all because they are Agile Driven, meaning driven by agility which is far beyond passion.


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