Tag - scrum

The Agile Manifesto @jean Christophe Pages

Agile Manifesto

The Agile Manifesto @jean Christophe Pages The Agile Manifesto: A Revolution in Software Development In February 2001, a group of 17 software development experts from different methods then called "light" met in the United States. Among these pioneers, we find emblematic figures such as Kent Beck (Extreme Programming), Ken...

Case study

CASE STUDY: Agility implemented in an insurance company

Before beginning any change process, it is crucial to identify the challenges and needs of the business. The teams organized a preliminary investigation carried out with the insurance company's services. At the end of this survey, the results showed a low level of agile maturity of the team in particular...

Case study

Implementing agile transformation

Infuse agility into your organization and transform obstacles into growth opportunities! In a business environment that is constantly evolving, the ability to adapt to change is essential for the survival, growth and sustainability of a business. The ability to effectively manage transitions represents a significant advantage for...

PSU - Professional Scrum with User Experience

Implement UX and Scrum together and pass your PSU certification

This page aims to share some necessary elements to help you take advantage of the Professional Scrum with User Experience training from Scrum.org. As an approved training center https://scrum.org/agile-thinking, we offer PSU certified training: https://agilethinking.pro/#training with certified and recognized professionals in the...

PSM 1 2 3

How to get your Professional Scrum Master certification?

A Scrum Master certification is a way for an individual to validate their knowledge of the Scrum framework. It is also a means widely used by companies to check the minimum level of knowledge of a candidate for recruitment and to facilitate their integration into teams evolving...


Relationship between Definition of Done and number of Product backlog Items to take for the sprint

During the free coaching sessions offered with our training, one of the questions that Scrum masters ask me is: how to properly understand the relationship between the Definition of Done and the number of Product Backlog items that the team can select for the sprint? In this course post,...


Create multi-functional Scrum teams using orbital models – across your organization

#crossfunctional teams are the most effective. Indeed, this allows development teams to consider several points of view at the same time as understanding and integrating the vision of the product in order to build products and services with this awareness necessary for creation...


My Books Reading List

Simply, this is just a list of books I've read or I envision to read. I learn from everything and everywhere; and I strongly encourage you to do the same, be open to yourself. For me, it includes: people, events, thoughts, blogs, articles, trainings, videos... Though I love reading...

Diagram showing an EAT coordinating 5 groups of 25 teams

Scrum at scale: Leadership Teams

Introduction: AGILETHINKING.PRO editor's note In Scrum at scale, as proposed by scrumatscale.com with Dr. Sutherland, co-inventor of the Scrum framework, there are Leadership Teams whose role is to guarantee the growth of agility across the entire organization. It is well known that if decision-makers do not...


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